

- Introduction

Consumer protection is based among other things on the accuracy of the instruments used for measuring the quantity and quality of consumer products, including loose or packaged food, liquid fuels, drinking water and electricity. The reliability of these instruments is controlled by the metrology services of the Ministry.


- Regulations

Download the list of regulations in French.

- Services provided

The Ministry metrology services control regulated measuring instruments, measuring containers, accredited organizations and organizations seeking accreditation.

1. Approval and verification of regulated measuring instruments :

- Pattern approval Pattern approval is the validation performed at the design stage for the measuring instrument, based on the evidence presented in the application file and following the tests performed on one or more copies of the aforementioned pattern. Approval of the pattern is endorsed by a certificate confirming that the instrument presented by the manufacturer or its authorized importer meets the requirements for its class. The application file requesting approval of the pattern must be filed with the Department of Metrology of the Ministry, and must contain the following documents and information: • a user manual giving a detailed description of the instrument and its principles of operation; • the metrological characteristics of the instrument; • design and manufacturing plans; diagrams of components, sub-assemblies, circuits; a detailed functional description of the software, and their identification; • descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of the drawings, diagrams and operation of the instrument; • the results of calculations and testing performed; • design of the identification plate and, where relevant, the design of the information plate; • the sealing plan. The law regulating the category of instrument into which the object of the approval application falls may require other documents. For more information, please contact the Department of Metrology at the following: Tél. : 05 37 71 62 13 Fax : 05 37 71 17 98 - First verification, verification after installation and periodic verification The first verification, verification after installation and periodic inspection relate to measuring instruments before being placed on the market, during their commissioning and during use.

These verifications are carried out either by the Ministry’s delegations or by the public or private rights organizations of the following list:

List of accredited verification organizations

2. Calibration of measuring containers :

The services for calibrating container measurement concerns fixed storage tanks, road tankers, rail tank wagons and tanker ships used for the storage and transport of liquid products, in particular petroleum, chemicals and foodstuffs. The liquid volumes determined, particularly in connection with commercial transactions or transactions subject to taxation, should be measured using legal containers. The attribution of a legal status to these measuring containers is done by the metrology services of the Ministry through calibration operations. These operations are carried out onsite for fixed tanks and tanker ships, and at the calibration station in Sidi Maârouf (Casablanca) for mobile containers. They consist of determining the capacity of the tanks up to one or more filling levels. After completing the measurements, the results are recorded on a certificate or in the form of a grading scale that gives centimetre by centimetre the liquid volume corresponding to the measured height. The calibration of measuring containers in service is performed at the end of the validity period of the certificate: that is once every 10 years for fixed storage tanks and tanker ships, once every 4 years for road tankers and once every 6 years for rail tank wagons. The methods of inspection regarding calibration operations are set by law No. 2675-14 of 19 Ramadan 1435 (17 July 2014) concerning tanks, containers and reservoirs container measurement. For more information, please contact the calibration service of the Delegation of Casablanca at the following: Complexe des centres techniques Route BO 50, Sidi Maârouf - Ouled Haddou, Casablanca (derrière le siège de la commune de Sidi Maârouf) Tél. : 05 22 97 23 55 Fax : 05 22 97 23 54

3. Evaluation of accredited organizations or candidates for accreditation :

- Accreditation of manufacturers, importers, installers and repairers of measuring instruments For more information please contact the Delegations of the Ministry. - Designation and accreditation of bodies responsible for test and inspection operations For more information please contact the Department of Metrology at the following: Tél. : 05 37 71 62 13 Fax : 05 37 71 17 98

Cost of services provided :

All the services provided by the metrology service are to be paid. The prices are set by Decree No. 2-98-524 on fees collected by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Handicrafts upon testing measuring instruments. Manufacturers, importers, installers and repairers. The manufacture, import, installation and repair of regulated measuring instruments is subject to official authorisation by the metrology services, and the conditions for granting approval are set down in articles 30 and 31 of decree No. 2-05-813 of 25 Jumada I 1430 (21 May 2009) related to the inspection of measuring instruments. The application for the official authorisation is to be sent to the Provincial and Prefectural Delegations of the Ministry, accompanied by a file containing the items mentioned in article 12 of the decree No. 972-10 of 17 Kaada 1431 (26 October 2010) laying down the procedures for implementation of Articles 17, 20, 30, 33 and 42 of Decree No. 2-05-813 of 25 Jumada I 1430 (21 May 2009) related to the inspection of measuring instruments. Cost of the service: Free service Download the accreditation application form Download the list of organizations approved for manufacture, import, installation and repair of regulated measuring instruments. Approved measurement instruments

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